Wednesday 7 March 2012

My Story with Antarctica- My First Iceberg

My First Iceberg

(Day two)

I woke up early morning excited to see my first sun rise in the in the “Drake Passage”. Little water drops touched my face and a double rainbow reflected on my eyes and took me away from the surrounding distractions. The sun rise was spectacular and unique, with a wavy shade of mixed orange hues.

Not as we expected, the “Drake Passage” was gentle with us and we crossed 600 miles of relatively smooth sea from Ushuaia toward Antarctica. Jimmy Watts gave us an exciting and interesting overview “The River of Krill” about the Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctica is such an incredible continent that holds some of the most world great species.

Then we had another informative speech by Berna. It was about the Wonders of the Ocean. We came to learn about the different birds that live in the Antarctic, their uniqueness and some about their life cycle.

Around 3:30 pm, we reached Antarctica’s water. The temperature was dropping down and it reaches around 3 degrees. “Team Inspire, Team Inspire, Team Inspire: Welcome to Antarctica”, the announcement that was made by Jumper, our rescue and safety champion. After a while, we all had to go out waiting for our first ice berg ever. Full of enthusiasm and eyes blowing of happiness and passion, we kept looking around in the wide sea trying to capture the first historical moment in our lives. The land was far away still, the cold wind was trying to go inside our “layers and layers” of Antarctic clothes and hit us with its stinging cold. Yet, we kept waiting, facing the wind, screaming for our first floating ice peace, albatrosses, penguins and seals, till we finally got prized by unbelievable but long awaited incredible view.

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