Sunday 11 March 2012

My Story with Antarctica- Good bye Antarctica

Good bye Antarctica


(Day Nine)

I wake up early morning as usual, took a look outside in the deck and then went inside immediately as it was so cold. Half an hour later we heard Jumper calling us to watch a very incredible scene outside. It was a massive and huge iceberg floating in the middle of the ocean. Robert said that this iceberg was broken from a glacier and taken away by the waves from its original place. He said it is a real example of global warming and what is happening in the Antarctic.

It is our last day in the Antarctic. Feeling gloomy and sad for having our last landing, I wore my layers, gloves and of course took my camera and stood in the zodiac queue. The trip was educative and a real life journey. It is a unique experience with a unique group of people.

Coming from the middle east, with no experience with such kind of weather conditions, had never seen snow before, had never ride a cruise ship for more than a day before, had never swam before and had never ride a zodiac boat before, had never hiked or climbed a mountain before.

We headed to the Antarctic Sound. One of the climate change examples in the Antarctic and one of the places that no one visit because of its challenges. Our ship is one of few ships that allows its customers to explore this place.

It was windy and chill, yet everyone was excited to participate even those who got sick of the rocking ship. Many Gentoo Penguins were there and some few South Polar Skua were next to them. There were also some Leopard Seals and Elephant Seals.

We hiked as a team, attached with a rope and butterfly nods. The hike was challenging in the ice, slippery slops and deep cracks. Yet, we were a fantastic team and made it up to the top with no slips and then back to the start point safely.

Good bye Antarctica. I looked all around and took deep breath to keep the last images in my mind forever. Out last zodiac ride and our last moments to see the icebergs, the glaciers and the Antarctic ocean. The weather is pushing us away and the sea started getting its pan cakes bigger before they cover the whole place with ice.

Then came the time to do our bell ceremony celebration in the Deck. We all gathered to take a group picture in a windy, chilly and snowy weather. We could stay there only for few minutes and immediately ran away inside the ship.

The Drake Passage seems not that friendly this time unlike the way to the Antarctic. It is wavy and rocky. The waves are about 7.5 meters. We walk in the ship like drunks and we have to follow the drake proof in order to stay safe.

I feel like having a long sleep now, dreaming about all the wonder land of Antarctic and thinking of what is right to be done to preserve it.


  1. This is real nice post to read. I know that Antarctica is real nice place for travel. The wildlife and ocean of Antarctica is amazing to watch.
    Cruises to Antarctica

  2. The trip of Antarctic is the memorable trip for the every traveler. This place is very cold and beautiful. I really miss the wildlife of Antarctic.
    Cruise Ships Antarctica

  3. Hi warnsmeth and rozer rac. It was nice to read your comments on my post. I think you also are fascinated by the beauty of Antarctica.

    I happliy invite you to share your experience with this spectacular place and post in my blog. I believe that Antarctica deserves to be known so that it could be protected.

    We can stay in touch via:

    Zeena :)
