Wednesday 7 March 2012

My Story with Antarctica- Good bye Ushuaia

Good bye Ushuaia


(First Day)

I headed towards the “Sea Spirit” with a mixture of confused feelings. Completely excited, yet thinking of the big responsibility on my shoulders. I couldn’t cheer up like the others did. Perhaps it’s the peace and purity of white that I was imagining myself already surrounding by. I was fully taken by my own imagination and thoughts of where I am heading - the world’s last wildness.

The “Sea Spirit” is a marvelous ship. We all took many pictures of our new home for the next two weeks. It is a fast and prestigious cruise ship and we are lucky to sail in such a luxurious vessel. Everything is just fantastic about it: the neat rooms with their comfortable beds, the delicious food and mostly the unimaginable scenes from the decks and the bridge. What a terrific feeling to be in the middle of the sea, surrounded by water, where no land is there, no dust and no human beings other than us.

On the ship we had Robert Swan talking about his love affair with Antarctica. He spoke about his first expedition and how everything started with a dream when he was 11 years old. He was conveying messages on “how you lead yourself” and was insisting on not to give up on our dreams.

When Robert went to the Antarctic for the first time, there were more people had stood on the moon than that the South Pole. It is amazing how most of the time we don’t see the things we have and don’t realize how fortunate we are and how precious they are to us.

We crossed the “Beagle Channel” in the night towards the “Drake Passage”. The water of the Drake Passage is known to be the toughest in the world. Luckily, we haven’t faced heavy winds though we could feel the ship rolling through the waves. Some people fell sick and spent their time on their beds. I think this is all part of the Antarctic adventure. It is not easy at all.

The night was quite and I slept like a baby in my soft and warm bed, imagining the swing of my mother’s arms, safe and calm in the slightly waving sea.

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