Tuesday 29 November 2011


Our lovely group: Now we became Peek-A-Neo. The Peekaboo and the Neo Neo Neo have merged. I can’t say who took over the other, but it was a mutual understanding and we all had a wonderful time mingling with each other. It was time to get out the things we learnt from our visits and present them to the other groups. Time was limited, thus we managed to finish with our limited resources.

It was so stimulating and inspiring to see the variety of ideas come out of most of the 80 delegates. I could see lots of talents and beautiful charismas that can easily grab anyone’s attention. Well, those people need to put themselves little higher on the stairs of success and climb faster to catch up the flying opportunities. I passed this note to some of the delegates. Unfortunately, I wasn’t that good on remembering all the names and this kept me somehow far from others.

I was amazed and thrilled by the acting talents some people showed, their incredible voices and sense of humor. The presentations could really show the outcome of the summit in the skills everyone demonstrated. It is right that the opportunity was not given to every individual and especially those who had something to offer. However, sometimes people should step back to allow others to shine as we have learnt from the summit.

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