Sunday 27 November 2011

Be a change maker

In the second day of the summit we had Farah Williamson, Middle East Director, The Social Investment Consultancy giving us a lecture in Poverty. Though I have already spoken about this day in my previous post, I feel like adding more at least to the part related to me.

Farah and her mother are doing fabulous and extraordinary work to help poor people in less fortunate places in the world, mainly in water supply and sanitation. It is very sad and frustrating to see how some people do not get access to the very basic needs every human being requires. On the other hand, people in some other areas of the world start fighting for no reasons except wealth and power.

Farah discussed The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and how their implementation is different from a country to another depending on their priorities. Well, let me say it frankly that Farah’s presentation was not shocking to me as I keep on watching such statistics on TV. I always feel the pain and sometimes contribute on collecting donations from family and friends. However, it was a big slap and a wake up call to be effective and a change maker. Can’t I be like Farah but with my own way? Can’t I use the positive energy within myself and bring it out into reality to serve those who are really in need? In fact we are all in need, nevertheless, our needs are different in a way or another. Despite of our differences, we are created to complete each other and walk along in the life long path.
Just use the good things within you for the best of the world. In the end, we all share the same world and our advantages should no longer conflict with another.

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