Tuesday 29 November 2011

The Ninth Day- Vodafone

The last visit was to Vodafone. This time it was all the delegates going together. We had a presentation about Al Johara project that started 14 months ago to help on women empowerment. It focused on employing women who are aged between 18 and 34 years old. The project was faced by some challenges when it first started such as language barrier as most of the women applied were not speaking English nor the project manager does speak Arabic.

In addition, most of the women were covering their faces which made it difficult to identify them. The biggest challenge was that they were untrained.
Hand by hand the women were given the necessary training 20% on services and 80% on skills and awareness to start facing the community with high confidence. They work from home and visit Vodafone only once a week.

I interacted with some of them and they seem to be happy working in such project that doesn’t tight them with time attendance every day. The success stories shared by the women were impressive and remarkable. One of them bought a house for her family. Another one got her driving license and then bought herself a car. Another one made one of the difficult deals that Vodafone officials were unable to do. How incredible having such wonderful and unnoticed moving gifts in the society! How wonderful giving them a chance to try and give from what they can offer.

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