Friday 4 May 2012

Young Leaders for a better future (1) - Cycle for Water

Michiel and Joost are two young Dutch men who cycled from the Arctic to the Antarctic raising awareness of water importance. Learning and educating, their journey has become remarkable and incredible.  They traveled in 20 months crossing around 30,000 km in their bamboo bicycles proving that “ a lot of challenges can be overcome using sustainable solutions”.  

I was lucky to meet with them in the Antarctic and had listened to their amazing and inspiring story. They are a great example of how people could accomplish great things just by thinking simple, looking around, engaging others and most importantly; walking their talks.

I learnt from Michiel and Joost to follow my passion even if it sound odd, illogical, even if I lack the expertise and the funds, it is all about “ People inspiring each other”. 

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